Live Logging on the set

Created for directors, filmmakers and ad agencies: mark good and bad clips directly on set.

Mark the moment

The most simple workflow: Green is for good, red is for bad. Log your decisions live while watching the action.

Decisions visible in the edit

Each button press creates a marker in the editing tool. This way you'll save tons of time sorting the footage.

Live Workflow

Use our live connection to to send your logs directly to the cloud.

Every Logger on set will send the logs to the Lockit+ via ACN. The Lockit+ uploads all the logs to the cloud via WiFi or Ethernet.

Offline Workflow

The NanoLockit also saves the markers in a local file on the device.

Download the file (via LockitToolBox) and use our native Premiere Pro Panel to import your markers directly into the timeline.

Ambient LockitToolbox

Download the .markers file from your NanoLockit using the LockitToolbox and import it into your editing project via our Premiere Panel.

Adobe Premiere Pro Panel

The first editing program we are supporting is Adobe Premiere Pro. There is a free native Lockit panel available in the official Adobe Extension Store.

Frame Accurate

Magic? Just science. To make it work each cameras on the set need to be synced with Ambient Lockit Timecode Generators.

All devices will be in perfect sync with your Logger.

The Lockit Family

Further questions?

We're here to help!